Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Wisdom of Self-Love

The first book I self-published at Amazon.com was The Wisdom of Self-Love: Life is a school: I am my major. It's an extended metaphor of life as a school of self-love. There are seventy chapters of a few pages each in a book of 228 pages. The chapters are organized into four categories: (1) The Spirituality of Self-Love, (2) The K-12 of Spirituality, (3) A Higher Spiritual Education, and (4) The Post-Graduate Program of Spirituality.

This book is for people who don't have a religious tradition or don't believe in God. The Western religious concept of God is that of the "Father" with humanity as His children. This metaphor is outdated. Most secular people have come to the conclusion on their own that if God is the "Father" than humanity is a disfunctional family.

In The Wisdom of Self-Love the metaphor that's used is God, the Teacher, with humanity as his students. This affords us the respect of viewing ourselves as adults rather than children. It sees us as growing, learning disciples of self-love rather than victims of the love of one another.

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